Paisaje, Color y Patrón
Centro Hispanoamericano de Cultura, La Habana, 2020.
The series Soy Cuba is exhibited in Havana after it returned from a previous show in the United States.

Soy Cuba / I´m Cuba: the contemporary landscapes of Roger Toledo
Arthur Ross Gallery, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 2019.
This exhibition presents the work of Cuban artist Roger Toledo whose evocative landscape paintings engage contemporary issues of mobility and stasis, and the rapidly evanescing markers of Cuban history, during a time of rapid change and increasing socio-economic instability in the island nation. The exhibition has been researched and developed by Penn art history students who traveled to Havana to meet with the artist as part of a curatorial seminar taught in the History of Art Department by Professor Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw.

Landscaping o la Modificación del Paisaje
Galería Galiano, La Habana, 2017.
On this occasion Toledo brings together a group of works to show us his new study of the landscape and the novel technique he had been exploring. This way of applying pigment, where pattern and color continue to build the image, will be the trigger for new conceptual readings on the Cuban landscape and context.

Studio 1606, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2015.
This pop-up show was held to close Toledo's two-month residency at Studio 1606, a space created by the Fox-Kasieradzki family to create cultural ties between Cuba and the United States. In the exhibition several of the artist's abstract paintings and more than 25 works made during his stay at the residency could be appreciated. This creative period was useful for Toledo to experience with various techniques and ways of applying color, while delving into the landscape genre.